People from idemili are known for taking pride in their culture while
they are 99.9 practicing Christians. We refer to young men in idemili as
IDE nnaa while ladies are called ADA ide. Idemili people are some of
the most successful people in Africa. It is on record that what the rest
of the world sees as Africa culture is the culture of idemili people
which was projected and sold to the world through the work of our
illustrious son chinua Achebe(late). Idemili belief in d principles of
"ife ndi na-eri ka ndi naso", that's why while some town eats the very
peaceful python we simply avoid killing it.
We 've never fought people
that killed it in their villages but we forbids killing it in our lovely
land of idemili. Idemili is blessed with the most out standing catholic
priest ever to come from Africa (cardinal Arinze) yet this man who
usually visits for xmas and ede festival has never killed eke or
encourage the killing of eke.

I want to also make it clear that eke is
not a god in idemili so we don't worship it, every town have it own NSO,
that is what makes those towns unique. We ve many nso in idemili among
them is killing of eke idemili, climbing the udara tree to get udara (we
pick it when it falls) etc eke is generally seen as a peaceful reptile,
i remember eke lying besides me severally as a kid and doesn't hurt me.
I can place it around my neck like a pet and it wouldn't bite. This is
our land and we ve made clear our nso just as awka's nso is killing of
monkeys. Agulu don't kill agu-eyi (crocodile). Umunya don't kill azu isi
(one particular fish that smells) ogbunike don't kill tortoise, nnewi
don't kill nchi (grass cutter). We hold these nso sacrosanct and we
expect u to comply with us while u live among us promise u will never
have problem with us. U can't say what and what are responsible for
these incessant death that occurs these days. It is on record that our
fathers didn't die in d Manner this generation that claims to be
civilised and closer to God are dying. Remember, what u don't know is
bigger than u. Long live idemili.
Written by; Ugoben Udeka.
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